Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6

Day 6 of to the woods. Today we went to the Eastwood Metro Park. I went kayaking for the first time! We had to wear life jackets just in case we fell into the water because the boat could easily tip over. I did not bring a spare change of clothes so I did not want to get wet. But my friends made sure I that I was wet by splashing me so much that even my hair was soaked. I have to take a really good shower. My arms got tired from all the rowing I had to do. Overall it was really fun. After we went kayaking, we went on a hike.

The hiking trail was very calm. We did not go into the woods or "get our feet muddy." We instead listened to the birds and observe the different kind of plants. For example, we saw a Yellow Winged Stem plant. On the hike I heard many things. I heard a Wallaby bird. The Wallaby bird has a chirp that sounds like an opera singer, practicing her vocals, going up and down with her voice. I saw a Sycamore tree which looks like the cameo uniform the people in the army wear. I also saw a Indigo Bunting swerving up and down and around its territory like a roller coaster. When we passed by a honeysuckle tree I sniffed in a smell of lemonade on a cool summer day. When the volunteer passed around the leaf it felt like sandpaper rubbing against my skin and it did not feel good.

The Yellow Winged Stem plant

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