Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 9

Day 9 of to the woods. We made a short story. I made it about a penguin who had trouble hunting. Here it is...

By Zayneb Moumkine

The penguin was at the peak of the mountain. The roaring ocean with a swarm of fish. The snowy mountain was packed with hundreds of young emperor penguin about to jump off. Charlie, one of the emperor penguins, was going to hunt for his food for the first time. A very important step into adulthood. Everyone was scared and nervous, pushing Charlie to the front to jump off first. He was usually the courageous one, “the stunt devil” as the other penguins called him.

“Stop pushing me guys.” Charlie states.

“Come on, you’ve got this” Teddy says. Charlie and Teddy have been best friends since baby penguins.

“I do not want to jump off.”

“Well, someone has to be the first to jump.” As Teddy gives Charlie one final shove off and he plummets down into the water. He wobbles at the beginning but then straightness himself out so he is soaring headfirst to the water. He dives in to the water and feels refreshed. Swimming is second nature to Charlie, but not hunting. As all the other penguins are following in pursuit and diving for fish, Charlie is having trouble following a fish, let alone catch one.

After an hour of struggle, Charlie caught one of measly fish which did not satisfy his hunger especially with an hour of swimming. Luckily for him his parents knew something might happened, so they left a couple of fish for him to eat. He walks slowly to his father and mother in a sight of defeat. Trudging with every step as if his feet were made of lead. When he arrives at his parents, they surprise him with fish so he could eat. He immediately gets excited and eats the fish really quickly.

“Tomorrow” his mother stated, “you will try again. We got you a tutor.”

“Who is the tutor?” Charlie asks


Charlie is filled with joy when he heard his mother say Malana’s name. He had a crush on her since baby penguin school.

“Get some rest, tomorrow will be a long day ahead for you.” His father says.

Charlie walks back to his cave and falls asleep dreaming about his time with Malana.

Charlie woke up early next day and went to the peak of the mountain again to see Malana. Malana is the most beautiful, and talented, penguin in his age group, which is a big thing because there are many penguins in Antarctica. When she spots Charlie she nods her head at him, a sign of hello, and beckons him over. When he reaches besides her she says “I am Malana. You must be Charlie.”

“Hi, your my tutor right?” Charlie says while thinking. Really that was the best I could do.

She chuckles slightly before asking “What is your problem?”

“I can’t catch the fish no matter how hard I try.”

“Oh, you just need help on your focusing skills. Come jump in.”

She dives in with the same grace Charlie’s mother had. He watches her go down before he jumps in himself. When he does she tells him to focus on the feet of the fish and you will be able to catch them. Charlie focuses on the fish’s feet and after a couple times, he was able to catch fish. When he successfully catches the fishes Charlie makes a long GAW. That is the noise he makes when he is happy. Malana beckons for him to get out of the water and back on the ice. When they are both on ice, Malana congratulates him before saying "We should hang out sometime.”

“Yeah, that would be cool.” Charlie replies awkwardly.

When she turns around and heads back home, he does a little happy dance before going heading back home himself. All together it was a great day for Charlie.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 8

Day 8 of to the woods. We started the day off by watching a TED talk about how we should listen more. After the TED talk we went on a bus to take us to go canoeing. This is my first time canoeing! I had so much fun. Jess was my partner for my partner for the canoe. We had so much fun because there was this part of the river which was really calm, and we we re alone, where Jess went crazy. She always go crazy when she dehydrates. She decided it would be more fun to chase after the geese and to stand on the canoe so we can tip over. It's funny when Jess is crazy because she is always the mature one and then I become the mature one when she is crazy. We also got stuck in so many places! So many times we were going backwards and we didn't even care.  After we FINALLY got back we ate lunch. After lunch we went back to the school and started on our recipe poem. A recipe poem is basically a poem in form of a recipe over what makes up nature. Mine is about what makes up a river. The poem is...

How to make a River

Take a million drops of water

Put a handful of moss in a seperate  bowl

A million of  rocks

Mix the rocks with the moss

If you would like it to be sweet, add some fallen trees

If you want it to be sour add some slugs and clams.

That is how you make a River.

On the canoe I took a few minutes and listened to the nature. I heard the water rippling. I heard the bird chirping. There was a Robin chirping and I am pretty sure I even heard a woodpecker chirping. I also heard the twig snapping. I heard the cars go by since we were by a street. When I opened my eyes I saw a beaver!

All of us about to canoe

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 7

Day 7 of to the woods. Today was an interesting day. We began the day by having Kris, a senior, explain to us what a vignette is. A vignette is a brief literary sketch over a picture or a illustration. The reason why she explained it was because we had to describe the character we found at Cox Arboretum. We started by doing a practice vignette about a mountain and bears. I made that vignette a poem.That vignette is...

The bear looks up soundlessly, with its brown fur shining in the sun.
I can hear the roaring water of the waterfall like it is a thunder storm.
I can taste the cool spring water as it splashes on my face.
The brown and orange autumn leaves are slowly falling in a trance as if they want to enjoy their time in the air.
The mountains are going as high as the clouds with the little snowflakes making at the top of the mountain be completely covered with the white powder.

The trees are as high as you can imagine. With thick brown oak in which they are home to many critters.

 But my character, which is a Gartner snake, was in a paragraph form. Honestly, the snake was pretty boring. I tried to make it interesting by describing the bite and the fangs. The vignette is...

The snake was all coiled up. But it was still ready to strike, giving you a false sense of security like the calm before a storm. The snake deceives us. The snake has black scales with two white lines on the side, the trait-mark of the Gartner snake reminding us that it is not venomous. But that doesn’t mean that there bite cannot hurt us. There fangs are like needles piercing the soft skin, blood quickly squirting out. The white fangs locking their jaws into the flesh. It is better to just stay away. The red forking tongue hissing in and out of the mouth sensing the world all around them.  

After we had finished our vignette's, we had to find eight pictures to put in a miniature scrapbook. When I found the pictures I gave it to my teacher for her to scan. Then we started a movie. The movie was called "Never Cry Wolf." The movie was about a man who went and lived in the wilderness for 6 months studying wolves. After about 40 minutes into the movie went and ate lunch. The movie was pretty slow at the beginning, but when we came back from lunch and finished the movie, it started to become interesting. He ended up staying in the wilderness for the rest of his life which I think is a very foolish mistake because I would want to be around my family. After the movie we started working on our blog.

This is the Gartner snake I wrote my vignette about.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6

Day 6 of to the woods. Today we went to the Eastwood Metro Park. I went kayaking for the first time! We had to wear life jackets just in case we fell into the water because the boat could easily tip over. I did not bring a spare change of clothes so I did not want to get wet. But my friends made sure I that I was wet by splashing me so much that even my hair was soaked. I have to take a really good shower. My arms got tired from all the rowing I had to do. Overall it was really fun. After we went kayaking, we went on a hike.

The hiking trail was very calm. We did not go into the woods or "get our feet muddy." We instead listened to the birds and observe the different kind of plants. For example, we saw a Yellow Winged Stem plant. On the hike I heard many things. I heard a Wallaby bird. The Wallaby bird has a chirp that sounds like an opera singer, practicing her vocals, going up and down with her voice. I saw a Sycamore tree which looks like the cameo uniform the people in the army wear. I also saw a Indigo Bunting swerving up and down and around its territory like a roller coaster. When we passed by a honeysuckle tree I sniffed in a smell of lemonade on a cool summer day. When the volunteer passed around the leaf it felt like sandpaper rubbing against my skin and it did not feel good.

The Yellow Winged Stem plant

Day 5

Day 5 of into the woods. Today we saw clips from the movie Wild. Wild is about this woman who went on a 94 day hike in PTC trail. Her back pack weighed 75 pounds and she walked 20 miles per day. That is really heavy. To get a feeling of how she walked, a partner and I worked on an activity together. My partner was Jessica and she is very gorgeous with beautiful hair, even when it is poofy. We decided that we would go to the Appalachian mountains. We decided to go there during the Spring time so there lots of rain. Rain equal water. Water is very important. After we gathered all of our supplies, we calculated the weight. The weight was 54.1 pounds. I walked around with a bag on my back that weighed 50 pounds. It was extremely heavy. I felt that my back was breaking.

                                    Items                                                         Weight (in pounds)
Container for water
Swiss knife
Fishing rod
Fishing kit
Sleeping bag
Waterproof matches
First-aid kit
Dried fruit
500 dollars
Toilet paper rolls
Energy bar


Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 4

Day 4 of to the woods. Today we went to the Aullwood observatory. It is a place where you can spot many birds. All kinds of birds. We saw a tiny northern owl and a big Red tailed hawk. They were in their cages though. But we did spot a beautiful dark blue bird with a white chest. It was called an Indigo Bunting. We went on hike and it freaked me out a little because there were bugs everywhere. Everywhere I stepped I could feel a plant brush my ankles. Every single plant I saw there were a spider on it. I hate spiders, they creep me out. We then went and caught fish in a net. It was awesome! After the brutal trail, in which we say many plants that all looked the same to me, we went to the farm where we saw many animals. Goats, chickens and even rabbits. A picture of the rabbit is below. When the trip was over, we went back to the school. We wrote a meditation script. This was my script..

Close you eyes and imagine that you are in a grassy field. The grassy is long enough to brush your ankles. When you look up you can feel the sun tingling your skin. When you look around you see a crystal blue lake three feet away. It is calm and blue and you have an urge to go up to the water and touch it, but you will not because you do not want to mess the calmness. You hear the crow cawing and you feel safe.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 3

Day 3 of To the Woods. Today I visited the Cox Arboretum. It is a beautiful place where there is a butterfly house. it is like a humongous park where their is beautiful landscape everywhere. All kinds of trees, and lakes, and even a bridge. it was really beautiful. There was also this humongous tree tower in which it was about 10 flights and it was tiring climbing it up. At the top, there is an amazing view in which we can see almost the whole park. Before noon we had to take pictures of 5 trees of their bark, leaves, and description. Pictures found below. We also found one creature. It was a dog that looked a lot like a wolf and I got scared of it. After we had finished our activity we had a whole hour in which we could do anything we want before we had to go back and do some yoga. We ate our lunch on top of the tree tower and played a game called heads up. It was really fun because we would get all excited and frustrated when we did not know how to explain it. At noon we went back to the meeting place and did some yoga. It was extremely hot when we were doing yoga. I sweated a pool during yoga. When we came back it was pretty chill afternoon. We just finished our Hershey Kiss and started on our blog post.

Australian Pine Tree

Blue Spruce

European Beech Tree